RECOMB 2011 Banner

Extend the life of your poster

RECOMB 2011 in cooperation with Faculty of 1000 invites poster presenters at the meeting to deposit their poster(s) into the new open access poster repository, F1000 Posters enabling those who could not make the meeting to see the novel work presented. F1000's expert Faculty of ~10,000 members will then view these submissions to identify those they wish to select for positive evaluation in the award winning F1000 post-publication peer review service.

RECOMB 2011 invites the submissions of abstracts for the Posters track. Please submit a one-page abstract (about 200 words, plain justified text in at least 10pt character size, formatted to fit European Standard A4: 21 x 29.7 cm) of your Poster including title, author(s), affiliation, e-mail and abstract text, to the Poster Track Submission site.

The actual poster space will be 90 x 120 cm (width x height), which corresponds to 16 pages in A4 format. A booklet with the accepted poster abstracts will be available at the conference. In addition, two posters will be chosen for awards.

  • Poster submission open: Dec 15, 2010
  • Poster submission deadline(extended): Feb 20, 2011
  • Poster acceptance: Feb 22, 2011


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